Anytime you can harvest a nice buck is an accomplishment for any hunter. When you can take a kid and they can get a buck of any size, now thats a memory that lasts a lifetime.
These two young hunters pictured are now deer hunters! Both have great dads that take the time to get their boys out of the house to teach them about hunting, patience, and the outdoors. Hunting as we know it depends on our young sportsmen. We have all been taught by our dads and granddads and now its our turn to share our knowledge to the kids of today.
I realize its a d
ifferent time we live in. Quite different from even when I was young. In my day we hunted by ourselves. Long gone are those times and its sad that we have to keep our children so close but that can also give us the opportunity to spend quality time teaching our kids hunting and fishing. Im sure you can still remember that first buck you shot or that first big bass you landed all by yourself. Those are the memories we will always remember but when you can experience a kids first trophy hunt, then those are memories we cherish.

In this hustle bustle world we live in today, we can still find the time to take a kid hunting and fishing. If you could spend just a few hours a week during the hunting season and teach your little hunter of the outdoors you'll make memories that will last for a lifetime.
You can watch one of these great hunts soon on the G3 Sportsman on FSN Midwest and the Sportsman Channel.
Scott Turnage/Host of the G3 Sportsman
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