Bow hunting for nearly a month Paul was having only smaller bucks come in range while having to watch monsters pass him by in the distance. The start of the rifle season wasnt much better in the beginning and he was starting to think he wasnt going to get a shot at anything. Then it started to snow and did it ever. Over a foot! This was now what he was needing. No longer will these big bucks lay up all day and feed at night. "They will have to come out now, just where though." Paul thought.
Having several stands to choose from and (Im sure) a lot of praying, Paul chose a spot that offered him the best vantage point on the property. The only problem was the stand he chose just happened to be the oldest. "Its a roll of the dice if the stand even holds me but I have to try, its my best chance". So as any great hunter would do armed with this information, he invited G3 Field Staffer Aric Hein to run camera and long time friend Dr. Piper to join him in the stand. "This will be adventure hunting" Paul told them, so after a few moments of positioning inside the blind and making sure the weight was evenly distributed, they noticed a group of does come into sight. Several minutes passed when this big guy came into the field offering his services to any doe that was receptive.
Now the stage was set for Paul to get his first Kansas trophy and with everyone in their proper places in the blind all he had to do was to make a good shot, which he did.
A more perfect 8 point you'll not find and we were all proud of his accomplishment. He never gave up and his persistence paid off in the end. Way to go Paul, you lucky dog.
You can watch this hunt unfold on the G3 Sportsman later this fall.
Photo by: Steve Matt
Scott Turnage/Host of the G3 Sportsman
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