I have been so fortunate in my life that I often wonder just exactly what miracle I performed, what life I saved or what act of grace I have bestowed upon humanity to deserve such rewards. I have been so many amazing places and seen so many wonderful things that I was beginning to think I had nearly seen it all.
Not so my friends, in my opinion Alaska stands alone and I know quite well I have barely scratched the surface of this amazing geographic area after only five weeks there.
Although it's true I am an angler first, a hunter second and a photographer third, I am above all an explorer. To me there is nothing like setting foot on new country. Any turf I have never walked on before is always prime country for checking out and if few others have explored it before me; well that just makes it sweeter.
I've been an outdoorsman all my life and I've certainly enjoyed the best of the best in the outdoors. I've hunted game, protected wildlife from poachers and sat in amazement as I observed animals from a hidden location’s all over the country. Nothing up to the day I actually set foot in Alaska really prepared me for the splendor and outdoor opportunities of the region. The eye candy is quite frankly jaw-dropping in every direction.
Before I left on my first trip, one of the management personnel at the I.G.F.A (International Game Fish Association) said to me; " I promise you Steve, you are going to think you died and went to fishing heaven", as I later learned, she could not have spoken truer words.
Rainbow Trout, Halibut, Dolly Varden, Artic Char, Ling Cod, Grayling and more Salmon species than you can shake a stick at were all there waiting for me when I arrived. Not only were they abundant in great numbers, they were bigger and better than the best midnight fishing dream I have ever had.
In my neighborhood if someone catches a Rainbow that pushes six pounds everyone comes out to see it. In Alaska eight pound Rainbows are common and only those above fifteen get a second look from the locals. Now imagine catching one over sixteen pounds on a fly rod and I think you can begin to get a grasp on the magnitude of the fishing opportunities Alaska has to offer.
I know quite well that Africa is the ultimate goal of all big game hunters and I certainly plan to get there someday myself. I'm also keenly aware that salt water fishing truly rocks and I never turn down a chance to have a trip on the deep waters of the Gulf. Everything you catch there seems to be eaten by something even bigger and the worry is never; "will I hook something really cool today", but rather; "will I actually get this fish to the boat before something else out there just rips it to pieces".
Every outdoor place is special in its own way and that is what I love so much about our great county, but Alaska is now firmly in my heart and forever there she will remain.
For an amazing fishery, in one of the last unspoiled wildernesses setting in the world, you simply can not go wrong booking a fishing trip in ALASKA!
Steve Matt, G3 Field Staff, Berryville, AR
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