I had often heard that there are more pheasants in South Dakota than people. I can now be one of those that can say it is true. Without question, pheasant hunting the plains of South Dakota is truly an adventure I shall not soon forget.
Recently, I was blessed to have been given this opportunity to hunt wild pheasants via an invite from Grandview Media of Birmingham, Alabama. Who is Grandview Media? Well, they are the publishers of the likes of Mossy Oak's Hunting the Country, Cabela's Outfitter Journal, and the Southern Sporting Journal to name a few. Trust me, it was truly an honor to get to hunt with such a diverse group of outdoor enthusiasts.
Grandview's Barry Lovette, Scott Fowler, Colin Moore, Brent Kizzire, and Stephen Statham along with myself and G3 Field Pro Steve Matt were pleasantly introduced to "real" pheasant hunting at Halverson's Hunts in Kennebac SD. Owner Steve Halverson has (by far) the best facility, land, and staff of any outfitter in

November and December are prime months and if you like wing shooting at its finest, you'll think you've been dropped off in Heaven once you arrive at Halverson's. Immediately into the hunt you are capable of seeing more pheasants in one field than you've ever seen in a lifetime of hunting anywhere else. Birds are being flushed in every direction, shooting is fast and furious, and the dog work is worth the price of admission itself. Under the watchful eye of Steve, each hunt is carefully planned out to where all hunters will have countless opportunities to harvest birds. Whether you're a "walker" or "blocker", there will be numerous birds flying in your direction.
Now dont get me wrong, this isnt shooting fish in a barrel. When I say these birds are wild, I mean they are wild! You better have your "A" game on or your buddies will give you the dickens when you miss a few. (I know I heard enough of it) Nonetheless, its an incredible hunt and you owe it to yourself to call Halverson's and experience this adventure that you'll cherish forever. The scenery alone is worth the trip and I'll bet you'll plan for your next trip before you leave.
You'll be able to watch this trip on the G3 Sportsman in early 2007 on FSN Midwest and the Sportsman Channel.
Scott Turnage/Host of the G3 Sportsman
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