Me, a Bow Hunter?

Who'd a thunk it! Later on this season I'll continue the series (Never Too Late To Learn) of my quest to become a bow hunter.
This year is going to be exciting, confusing, and fun. For all you guys that have never tried to bow hunt, you'll get the opportunity to watch a true beginner. It will be more different than other how-to videos because, you that want to learn will get the chance to watch what its like to actually see a hunter fullfill his dream to become an accomplished archer.
It'll be a crazy ride but I think once you see how simple it is to learn, you too may want to start your own quest to become a bow hunter.
Shooting a bow has never been easier. The equipment is the best its ever been and once you get your bow set up, you can almost immediately become a decent archer.
If your wanting to get started in this great sport or looking to upgrade your equipment, check out the sponsors that will make this series possible and see all they have to offer.
Keep up with my progress and compare yours to mine. For the already accomplished, maybe I can remind you of all you went through during your quest.
We'll see how it all works out and let me know what you think and feel free to give me some tips.
Thats rite
which bow do you use, i use recurve bow, they are great!
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