If you like to catch trout, no wait, REALLY BIG TROUT, then the upcoming colder weather months are ideal.
From Alaska to Arkansas, the big rainbows and browns will be on a feeding frenzy before spawn. These next few months are prime for you to land the trophy you've been waiting for. I know we are more comfortable in warmer climates but you'll have to sacrifice a little in order to catch these monsters.
A number of different baits will work but most all will require the same presentation....a slow, or drifting-popping action. White maribou jigs work as well as any but Countdown Rapalas can be effective in current.
Pictured here is Team Turnage member Steve Matt (RW Eagles) posing with one of the monsters he caught on a recent trip to Alaska along with his brother Paul.
According to Steve, no other part of the country can offer this many huge trout. The scenery alone is worth the trip and if you have the means it is definately worth the expense.
Here in the Ozarks, the White river is the premier waterway for monster browns. The cold winter months can offer the angler some unbelieveable action and you can probably catch a glimpse of a number of bald eagles that spend their winters in this area.
Dont put this type of fishing off any longer. You should really give it a try.
Watch for Steve in a few episodes of the Midwest Sportsmen in 2006.
Sunday mornings at 8am on FSN Midwest.
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