Most of us (for what ever reason) can find something to complain about. Especially when it comes to turkey hunting. Its is no doubt one of the most frustrating sports I've ever had to deal with because if anything can go wrong...it will. I'm sure many times I felt jinxed or just unlucky when it came to baggin an old long beard and I'm pretty certain I did my fair share of belly aching. Well, not anymore. Never had I just appreciated the sounds of the hunt. Hearing a tom on the roost just gobbling his head off, hens clucking, birds singing, or just the wind whistling through the blind. All of these sounds I just took for granted and (for the most part) wasnt too concerned with other than just for location purposes for my targeted bird... until I met Halye. Born into this world a healthy wide eyed bundle of energy that on the outside appeared to be normal, until her parents realized she didnt respond to voices or sounds. You can only imagine the anguish a parent would have thinking their child would go through life never hearing but for Halye, she continued to be as happy as ever, never realizing what she was missing. Anyways, by age 5 Halye had learned to communicate with sign language and gestures and for Hayle, she never let it slow her down. Shortly there after granddad Mike (pictured) was watching a 60 Minutes telecast on Cochlear Implant surgery. A new procedure that could actually allow Halye to pick up sounds. Wanting his little hunting buddy to live a normal life, he scheduled an appointment and she was an ideal candidate. The surgery was a success and Halye could actually for the first time in her life hear sounds and voices! Now 13, Halye spends every hunting season with her granddad. A couple of months ago I heared of this story and was honored when they accepted the invitation to shoot a show this past turkey season. Halye had never bagged a turkey and she was really excited to have her first video taped. We acquired the services of our own G3 Field Staffer Rick Lowry and land owner Mark Smith of Bolivar, MO to help set up the hunt and launched out on a rainy April morning. In the blind I watched Halye get so excited when hearing gobbles and commenting on the guys calling just outside. These are all sounds that I use to take for granted. The birds seemed to cooperate somewhat and after a few hours we finally got a group of jakes within range. With the guidance of granddad, Halye squeezed the trigger and bagged her first turkey. Im not sure who was more excited. We were all so proud of her and I have the upmost admiration of this young lady for never once complaining of her short comings. Its amazing how far we've come with science and technology that just a few short years ago Halye would still not be able to hear all that we take for granted. Mike and Halye make a great team and are wonderful people. We should all have someone care for us as Mike does for his little girl. She has her whole life ahead of her now and should live as normally as any of us thanks to Cochlear Implants and a granddad that wouldnt give up his fight to provide for her the best possible care.
You'll be able to see Halye's story and hunt this fall on the G3 Sportsman on FSN Midwest, FSN South, and the Sportsman Channel.
Scott Turnage/Host/G3 Sportsman TV
Thats why I think your show is the best. Good stories
An excellent story and kudos to you Scott for sharing this with everyone. Its a shame we do take for granted our hearing and eyesight but stories like this are inspirational. Just started watching your show and we all love it. You do such a good job writing your stories too.
Thats really cool. Cant wait to see the show
We should all take the time to be thankful for our health. She sounds like a wonderful young lady.
Its good knowing that someone takes the time to share outdoor experiences with all children. Very nice job Scott.
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