We launched out right at dark and started this journey by catching fresh bait. Next, we dropped anchor near one of the many grain mills that line the river bank and commenced casting out lines. Didnt take long for a nice size blue cat to start sampling our entree' of "mooneye shad" that Ron had attached to a huge circle hook. Then in a blink, wham, the battle began. Ok, now picture this, we are anchored off in swift water, trying to pull a monster catfish upstream, in a big comfortable G3 2072, at night, and with the glow of the St. Louis Arch as our backdrop. How cool was that? Seriously, Im all about doing different things and I especially love to do what I did growing up in the old Bootheel of MO. This trip really took me back to my roots and re-introduced me to one of our old time favorite fish to catch...the catfish. There are more glamorous fish to catch nowadays but most of us grew up catching and eating catfish and for whatever reason just drifted away from this species. What a rush it was to battle this giant of the deep. Yeah, we got some slime on us and yeah its a little nasty having to cut up bait but hey, its all worth it once that first bruiser gets hooked on the end of your line. So how about we escape from the norm and do something different, lets go catfishing...again.
Two Rivers Guide Service is located in Troy, MO and in close proximity to St. Louis. Ron Burr will guide you on this most memorable trip and will provide you with all you need. His contact number is 636-236-2877 and remember to bring an appetite for fun and the willingness to be excited.
Look for Capt Ron and me sometime this early fall on the G3 Sportsman.
Scott Turnage/Host/G3 Sportsman
Loved the show, though it looks like you could use a little work in the weight room if you're going to catch fish that big.
I saw the show and enjoyed it very much. It just so happends that I fished with Ron in August of 2006. We caught 225# that night and the big fish was 35#.
I would never think of fishing for catfish around a city. You guys really had fun. Great show
Another great show. My days are long gone to fish due to my old age but every sunday I get more enjoyment watching the fun you have. I use to catfish on the ohio river and seeing this show took me back to my favorite spot. I enjoyed the coon hunt too.
Thank you,
Walter Kimberlin
Excellent! Loved it!
Dude, you are the man!!!!
Saw the rerun, good show.
One of the best catfish shows I've seen. All your stuff is great
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