Did you know that the crappie was voted as one of the top 3 favorite species of fish to catch? Now I didnt get a vote on this, but if I had they would have been ranked even higher. So why is this? Crappie really dont give up much of a fight and they rarely bite hard enough for even the mildest of hook sets. They dont get really big in size and are basically easy to catch, so why is it come spring just about everyone loves to fish for them? Well, mainly because they just taste so darn good.
Recently, I had the pleasure of getting to fish for crappie in the great state of Texas with my friend "Uncle" Bill Fondren. Big Bill owns and operates the Tejas Guide Service on Rayburn Lake just north of Jasper. Now crappie fishing with Bill is definitely a treat. Not only are you going to catch fish, but you're guaranteed a great time. He spends countless hours on the water strategically sinking hundreds of brush and tree tops in many locations in order to assure 100% success for his clients. Heck Id been happy with half that, but not with Bill, he makes sure everyone leaves with a limit...everytime! The people there are so friendly and everyone makes you feel right home. You'll not be treated any finer by anyone or anywhere in your travels as at the Tejas Lodge. Bill is the guide and entertainment director. His cheerful personality and quick wit is what makes him so unique. Even when the fishing may slow for a bit, you wont mind due in part to the many stories he tells and the one-liners that just roll off his tongue.
Fishing from his big G3 pontoon is like being on the back deck of your home. Its very comfortable with room to roam about and spacious enough for the entire family or group to fish on together. I do have to warn you, you'll be catchin' crappie fast and furious so just make sure that someone will be on guard to raise the lid of the cooler frequently. It will fill up fast.
So if you are in need of a change or simply just want to have the most fun you could ever have catching fish, I strongly suggest calling Bill Fondren. Immediately upon hearing his voice you'll want to travel to Texas and meet this unique man in person. He's a great man, a fine fisherman, and above all, my dear friend. You'll see what I mean when you book your first trip trip with him.
Look for Bill on some upcoming shows and for more information on the Tejas Guide Service just give Bill a call at 409-698-3491.
Scott Turnage
Host/G3 Sportsman TV
This guy is so funny. You have got to do more shows with him. You two are like a comedy act. My sister also wants to know if you are single.
Funny show. Bill is a riot. I think you finally met your match.
Without question you two are the funniest team on TV
I saw this show and laughed my a-- off!!!!
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