Not Jaws but still eerie!

With the recent passing of Steve Irwin (a.k.a. Crocodile Hunter), Im reminded of just how spooky it was handling this shark. Mind you now, it wasnt a huge one but about any shark can leave a mark if they bite you...or worse!
This, my first shark expedition, was in Southern Florida this past spring on a photo/video shoot for G3 Boats. Getting to tag along with our own staff adventure hunter Steve Matt was quite the experience. If its dangerous, he's in. He may not like it or wished he'd not volunteered afterwards but he'll finish the job. Sharks to him were childs play. Id never caught a shark before and (to say the least) never handled one so my curiosity level was quite high to do both.
The morning started early, no wait, REALLY early. At the dock to meet the guide, Mr. Angel Torres of Vicious Strikes Charters at 3:30 am! Exchanged pleasantries, then across the bay, in the darkness of a unfamiliar body of water. Just Stevie, me, and our G3 1860. Did I mention it was really dark?
Anyways, we reached our destination and the guide (who by the way was in a really BIG boat) handed Stevie and I two rods, a 3 pack of frozen mullet, and a chum bag. Thats it! Showed us how to bait up and demonstrated the proper technique of hanging the chum bag. (Stunk to high heaven) He then said "keep shakin the chum bag and a shark will be around shortly", then cranked his big Yamaha and said "we'll go scout for tarpon, call us when you get one on"...and left us! Alone! In the dark!
"What do we do if we get a big one hooked" Stevie asked. "Just hang on and keep an open bail, they can flip your boat over" our guide said as he was heading away into the darkness. "I dont like the sound of that" we both said simultaneously, but being the troopers we are, we stuck it out, but then, we had no other choice but to.
Its a spooky feeling being on a big body of water, at night, trying to hook a shark, so, I got out the video camera and began shooting our experience and possible demise.
Just after day break, Stevie hooked this particular shark and we definitely proved again, just how tough and reliable these G3 Boats really are. It all worked out great and no one got hurt
...including the shark.
It was quite the experience and if you love adventure, then I strongly recommend shark fishing. Here's our tribute to you Crocodile Hunter, may you rest in peace, though I doubt you do.
Dont forget to check us out on FSN Midwest at 8am Sundays for the G3 Sportsman.
Scott Turnage/Host of the G3 Sportsman
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