Small rivers produce huge Whites

Photo by Steve Matt
One of the first species of game fish to migrate their way into the shallows for spawn are the scrappy white bass.
As water temps begin to climb into the 50's, the white bass can be caught on shoals and sandy flats in rivers arms and creek channels off main lakes. Grubs, small crankbaits, and jigs are ideal baits to use. Slow steady retrieves with an occassional popping or jerking action can mimic bait fish and once you catch one, chances are you'll hook several.
Spinning reels are ideal and our choice of equipment was the Pflueger Presidents model with a 6 1/2 to 7ft light action rod. 4 or 6 pound test usually works best, allowing the light lures to fall slow enough to give it a more natural presentation. Plus, with smaller baits, a lighter line allows you to be able to cast farther as well.
The average white bass will usually weigh between 1-3 pounds but in some areas 4 pounders or more are not uncommon.
On a recent trip into the Natural State (AR), fellow G3 Field Staff member Steve Matt put myself, his bother Paul, and friend Terry Mattox on some monster whites.
Rigged with the new G3 Eagle 175 Panfish (Yamaha 60 hp 4 stroke), we had the ideal boat for navigating our way up the small creek arm. None weighed under 2 pounds, with the largest tipping the scales at nearly 5lbs! Thank goodness our G3's had two livewells onboard! Fish this size can fill one up pretty quick.
So what are you waiting for? Get out there as soon as you can and start patroling the shallows for (without question) the most fun game fish to catch.
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