Mark Lamb

Having trouble getting a long beard? Gobblin on the roost but going silent once he hits the ground. Wont come to you regardless of what you throw at him? I feel your pain but I may have an old trick for you to try that my Grandpa used to do.
First, locate your gobblers roost. After dark bust the tom from the tree and seperate him from his hens. (You may bust them all but that wont matter) He has probably been with the same hens for a while and will want to get back with them at first light.
Set up between him and the hens (or as best you can) very early the next morning and chances are that old love sick tom may answer and come to your decoy. We used the Primos Ole Glory slate to get this big boys' blood boiling and walked him on in with their new PiggyBack mouth call.
Now I'm not saying this is a fool proof way of harvesting a turkey but when you run out of options, give this a try. It worked for us....this time anyway.
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