Being from an agricultural area we never had a shortage of birds, even if none of the migratory doves had ventured into our area. Milo, corn, and even rice fields are abundant there so we always had a great place to hunt. I can remember the skies darkening with birds as they started dive-bombing over us and the fun we had giving each other a hard time missing more than we hit.
I've sinced moved from there many years ago and for whatever reason didnt return to my old stomping grounds to dove hunt for nearly 20 years...that is until last year. I joined my brother Van and cousins Duke and Richard in a fresh cut corn field (owned by another cousin Danny) near the tiny rural town of Wardell. It was fun re-living old memories in the field and yes, we made fun of each other just like when we were kids. It was so much fun I decided then to make this a yearly tradition.
This brings us to the present and as you can see in the picture above, we had yet another successful day. We've now added a new generation of Turnage hunters to our clan with Richards son Jordan. A great kid, he too has the fire in his eyes we once had and was a good sport to put up with a bunch of old time dove hunters. We've also gained a retriever (Dakota) to now chase after our downed birds and to give our tired old legs a break.
Its good to get to go back and make memories in the places of my youth. The places where I learned to hunt and fish. My family still lives there and its always good to get to spend time with them. Im lucky to be able to travel anywhere Id like in order to shoot shows but none are more special than going back home. Back to the Bootheel...back with family.
Scott Turnage/Host/G3 Sportsman