Drift fishing the current is the ideal method. Usually I'll start about a mile down from the dam, position the boat around 20ft from the bank, and cast a split shot rig as close to the rocks as possible. Then, I'll just drift, holding the rod tip high and bounce the rig off the rocky bottom.
I like to catch shad with a throw net but the "store bought" shiners work well too. I simply hook the minnow on a #3 bait hook, 8# Hi-Vis line, and a 7' spinning rig. Why Hi-Vis? For one, I cant see regular mono line. This is a must to be able to see your line as you drift. The Smallies lie in ambush mode behind the larger rocks positioning themselves for a quick strike when bait fish swim by. Usually its not a hard strike but simply sucking in the shad with little effort. Watching my line I can see it stop or move upstream. Thats when I set the hook. A lot of time it is a rock that fooled me but I dont take any chances. Needless to say, I tie new rigs quite often.
You can catch these strong fighters with artificial bait too but I enjoy changing it up every so often and the chances of a really big one increases by using live bait. That is why I go and you should too this next fall.
Scott Turnage/Host of the G3 Sportsman